Represents a likelihood where one or more likelihood factors has been updated to target a set of parameter(s)


R6Class object.


Likelihood object


make_Likelihood(factor_list, ...)


A list of objects inheriting from LF_base, representing the individual relevant factors.


Not currently used.



Ensure that this likelihood is compatible with a particular tmle3_Task, in that the factor names must match the tmle_task$npsem names.

get_initial_likelihoods(tmle_task, nodes=NULL)

Gets initial (i.e. before any TMLE updates) likelihood values for the specified nodes (or all nodes if none are specified) for the observations in tmle_task.

  • tmle_task: tmle3_Task to get likelihood values for

  • nodes: character vectors, the list of nodes to get likelihood values for. If missing, values will be provided for all nodes.

get_likelihoods(tmle_task, nodes=NULL)

Gets updated (i.e. after all TMLE updates) likelihood values for the specified nodes (or all nodes if none are specified) for the observations in tmle_task.

  • tmle_task: tmle3_Task to get likelihood values for

  • nodes: character vectors, the list of nodes to get likelihood values for. If missing, values will be provided for all nodes.


Gets all possible combination of counterfactual values for a set of nodes. This is useful for marginalizing over a node. Returns a data.frame with one row per possibility.

  • nodes: character vectors, the list of nodes to get counterfactual values for. If missing, values will be provided for all nodes.



The list of LF_base objects specifying the relevant likelihood factors


The likelihood values for the observed data. These are cached, as they are used in many places in TMLE


A list of tmle_updates that have been calculated for this likelihood

See also