Bicycle sharing time series dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository.



Fanaee-T, Hadi, and Gama, Joao, 'Event labeling combining ensemble detectors and background knowledge', Progress in Artificial Intelligence (2013): pp. 1-15, Springer Berlin Heidelberg


#>   instant     dteday season yr mnth holiday weekday workingday weathersit
#> 1       1 2011-01-01      1  0    1       0       6          0          2
#> 2       2 2011-01-02      1  0    1       0       0          0          2
#> 3       3 2011-01-03      1  0    1       0       1          1          1
#> 4       4 2011-01-04      1  0    1       0       2          1          1
#> 5       5 2011-01-05      1  0    1       0       3          1          1
#> 6       6 2011-01-06      1  0    1       0       4          1          1
#>       temp    atemp      hum windspeed casual registered  cnt
#> 1 0.344167 0.363625 0.805833 0.1604460    331        654  985
#> 2 0.363478 0.353739 0.696087 0.2485390    131        670  801
#> 3 0.196364 0.189405 0.437273 0.2483090    120       1229 1349
#> 4 0.200000 0.212122 0.590435 0.1602960    108       1454 1562
#> 5 0.226957 0.229270 0.436957 0.1869000     82       1518 1600
#> 6 0.204348 0.233209 0.518261 0.0895652     88       1518 1606