Subset of growth data from the collaborative perinatal project (CPP).
drops observations for which the haz
column is
, and imputes all other observations as 0. This is only for the
purposes of simplifying testing and examples.
A data frame with 1,912 repated-measures observations and 500 unique subjects:
Subject ID
Age since birth at examination (days)
Weight (kg)
Standing height (cm)
Recumbent length (cm)
BMI (kg/m**2)
Weight for age z-score
Length/height for age z-score
Weight for length/height z-score
BMI for age z-score
Investigational Site ID
Sex (num)
Maternal breastfeeding status (num)
Maternal breastfeeding status
Gestational age at birth (days)
Birth weight (gm)
Birth length (cm)
APGAR Score 1 min after birth
APGAR Score 5 min after birth
Maternal age at birth of child (yrs)
Maternal race (num)
Maternal race
Mothers marital status (num)
Mothers marital status
Mother, years of education
Socio-economic status (num)
Socio-economic status
Maternal parity
Maternal num pregnancies
Maternal smoking status
Num cigarettes mom smoked per day
Maternal risk factors
Broman, Sarah. 'The collaborative perinatal project: an overview.' Handbook of longitudinal research 1 (1984): 185-227.
#> subjid agedays wtkg htcm lencm bmi waz haz whz baz siteid sexn
#> 1 1 1 4.621 55 55 15.27603 2.38 2.61 0.19 1.35 5 1
#> 2 1 123 8.760 NA NA NA 1.99 NA NA NA 5 1
#> 3 1 366 14.500 79 79 23.23346 3.84 1.35 4.02 3.89 5 1
#> 4 2 1 3.345 51 51 12.86044 0.06 0.50 -0.64 -0.43 5 1
#> 5 2 123 4.340 NA NA NA -3.99 NA NA NA 5 1
#> 6 2 366 8.400 73 73 15.76281 -1.27 -1.17 -0.96 -0.80 5 1
#> sex feedingn feeding gagebrth birthwt birthlen apgar1 apgar5 mage mracen
#> 1 Male 90 Unknown 287 4621 55 8 9 21 5
#> 2 Male 90 Unknown 287 4621 55 8 9 21 5
#> 3 Male 90 Unknown 287 4621 55 8 9 21 5
#> 4 Male 90 Unknown 280 3345 51 8 9 15 5
#> 5 Male 90 Unknown 280 3345 51 8 9 15 5
#> 6 Male 90 Unknown 280 3345 51 8 9 15 5
#> mrace mmaritn mmarit meducyrs sesn ses parity gravida smoked
#> 1 White 1 Married 12 50 Middle 1 1 0
#> 2 White 1 Married 12 50 Middle 1 1 0
#> 3 White 1 Married 12 50 Middle 1 1 0
#> 4 White 1 Married NA NA . 0 0 1
#> 5 White 1 Married NA NA . 0 0 1
#> 6 White 1 Married NA NA . 0 0 1
#> mcignum comprisk
#> 1 0 none
#> 2 0 none
#> 3 0 none
#> 4 35 none
#> 5 35 none
#> 6 35 none