Factory function for estimating an ROCR-based risk for a given ROCR measure, and the risk is defined as one minus the performance measure.

custom_ROCR_risk(measure, cutoff = 0.5, name = NULL, ...)



A character indicating which ROCR performance measure to use for evaluation. The measure must be either cutoff-dependent so a single value can be selected (e.g., "tpr"), or it's value is a scalar (e.g., "aucpr"). For more information, see performance.


A numeric value specifying the cutoff for choosing a single performance measure from the returned set. Only used for performance measures that are cutoff-dependent and default is 0.5. See performance for more detail.


An optional character string for user to supply their desired name for the performance measure, which will be used for naming subsequent risk-related tables and metrics (e.g., cv_risk column names). When name is not supplied, the measure will be used for naming.


Optional arguments to specific ROCR performance measures. See performance for more detail.


This risk does not take into account weights. In order to use this risk, it must first be instantiated with respect to the ROCR performance measure of interest, and then the user-defined function can be used.