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3 Super (Machine) Learning

Ivana Malenica and Rachael Phillips

Based on the sl3 R package by Jeremy Coyle, Nima Hejazi, Ivana Malenica, Rachael Phillips, and Oleg Sofrygin.

Updated: 2021-03-15

Learning Objectives

By the end of this chapter you will be able to:

  1. Select a loss function that is appropriate for the functional parameter to be estimated.
  2. Assemble an ensemble of learners based on the properties that identify what features they support.
  3. Customize learner hyperparameters to incorporate a diversity of different settings.
  4. Select a subset of available covariates and pass only those variables to the modeling algorithm.
  5. Fit an ensemble with nested cross-validation to obtain an estimate of the performance of the ensemble itself.
  6. Obtain sl3 variable importance metrics.
  7. Interpret the discrete and continuous Super Learner fits.
  8. Rationalize the need to remove bias from the Super Learner to make an optimal bias–variance tradeoff for the parameter of interest.


  • A common task in data analysis is prediction — using the observed data to learn a function, which can be used to map new input variables into a predicted outcome.
  • For some data, algorithms that can model a complex function are necessary to adequately model the data. For other data, a main terms regression model might fit the data quite well.
  • The Super Learner (SL), an ensemble learner, solves this issue, by allowing a combination of algorithms from the simplest (intercept-only) to most complex (neural nets, random forests, SVM, etc).
  • It works by using cross-validation in a manner which guarantees that the resulting fit will be as good as possible, given the learners provided.


In Chapter 1, we introduced the Roadmap for Targeted Learning as a general template to translate real-world data applications into formal statistical estimation problems. The first steps of this roadmap define the statistical estimation problem, which establish

  1. Data as a random variable, or equivalently, a realization of a particular experiment/study.
  2. A statistical model as the set of possible probability distributions that could have given rise to the observed data. We could know, for example, that the observations are independent and identically distributed.
  3. A translation of the scientific question, which is often causal, into a target estimand.

Note that if the estimand is causal, step 3 also requires establishing identifiability of the estimand from the observed data, under possible non-testable assumptions that may not necessarily be reasonable. Still, the target quantity does have a valid statistical interpretation. See causal target parameters for more detail on causal models and identifiability.

Now that we have defined the statistical estimation problem, we are ready to construct the TMLE; an asymptotically linear and efficient substitution estimator of this estimand. The first step in this estimation procedure is an initial estimate of the data-generating distribution, or the relevant part of this distribution that is needed to evaluate the target parameter. For this initial estimation, we use the Super Learner (SL) (van der Laan, Polley, and Hubbard 2007).

The SL provides an important step in creating a robust estimator. It is a loss- function- based tool that uses cross-validation to obtain the best prediction of our target parameter, based on a weighted average of a library of machine learning algorithms. The library of machine learning algorithms consists of functions (“learners” in the sl3 nomenclature) that we think might be consistent with the true data-generating distribution. By “consistent with the true data-generating distribution”, we mean that the algorithms selected should not violate subject-matter knowledge about the experiment that generated the data. Also, the library should contain a diversity of algorithms that range from parametric regression models to multi-step algorithms involving screening covariates, penalizations, optimizing tuning parameters, etc.

The ensembling of the collection of algorithms with weights (“metalearning” in the sl3 nomenclature) has been shown to be adaptive and robust, even in small samples (Polley and van der Laan 2010). The SL is proven to perform asymptotically as well as the best possible prediction algorithm in the library (van der Laan and Dudoit 2003; Van der Vaart, Dudoit, and Laan 2006).

Why use the Super Learner?

  • For prediction, one can use the cross-validated risk to empirically determine the relative performance of SL and competing methods.
  • When we have tested different algorithms on actual data and looked at the performance (e.g., MSE of prediction), never does one algorithm always win (see below).
  • Below shows the results of such a study, comparing the fits of several different learners, including the SL algorithms.
  • SL performs asymptotically as well as the best possible weighted combination.
  • By including all competitors in the library of candidate estimators (glm, neural nets, SVMs, random forest, etc.), the SL will asymptotically outperform any of its competitors — even if the set of competitors is allowed to grow polynomial in sample size.
  • Motivates the name “Super Learner”: it provides a system of combining many estimators into an improved estimator.

General Overview of the Algorithm What is cross-validation and how does it work?

  • There are many different cross-validation schemes, which are designed to accommodate different study designs, data structures, and prediction problems.
  • The figure below shows an example of V-fold cross-validation with V=10 folds. General step-by-step overview of the Super Learner algorithm

  • Break up the sample evenly into V-folds (say V=10).
  • For each of these 10 folds, remove that portion of the sample (kept out as validation sample) and the remaining will be used to fit learners (training sample).
  • Fit each learner on the training sample (note, some learners will have their own internal cross-validation procedure or other methods to select tuning parameters).
  • For each observation in the corresponding validation sample, predict the outcome using each of the learners, so if there are p learners, then there would be p predictions.
  • Take out another validation sample and repeat until each of the V-sets of data are removed.
  • Compare the cross-validated fit of the learners across all observations based on specified loss function (e.g., squared error, negative log-likelihood, etc) by calculating the corresponding average loss (risk).
  • Either:
    • choose the learner with smallest risk and apply that learner to entire data set (resulting SL fit),
    • do a weighted average of the learners to minimize the cross-validated risk (construct an ensemble of learners), by
      • re-fitting the learners on the original data set, and
      • use the weights above to get the SL fit.

Note, this entire procedure can be itself cross-validated to get a consistent estimate of the future performance of the SL fit. How to pick a library of candidate learners?

  • A library is simply a collection of algorithms.
  • The algorithms in the library should come from contextual knowledge and a large set of “default” algorithms.
  • The algorithms may range from a simple linear regression model to multi-step algorithms involving screening covariates, penalizations, optimizing tuning parameters, etc.

Summary of Super Learner’s Foundations

  • We use a loss function L to assign a measure of performance to each learner ψ when applied to the data O, and subsequently compare performance across the learners. More generally, L maps every ψR to L(ψ):(O)L(ψ)(O). We use the terms “learner”, “algorithm”, and “estimator” interchangeably.

    • It is important to recall that ψ is an estimator of ψ0, the unknown and true parameter value under P0.
    • A valid loss function will have expectation (risk) that is minimized at the true value of the parameter ψ0. Thus, minimizing the expected loss will bring an estimator ψ closer to the true ψ0.
    • For example, say we observe a learning data set Oi=(Yi,Xi), of i=1,,n independent and identically distributed observations, where Yi is a continuous outcome of interest, Xi is a set of covariates. Also, let our objective be to estimate the function ψ0:Xψ0(X)=E0(YX), which is the conditional mean outcome given covariates. This function can be expressed as the minimizer of the expected squared error loss: ψ0=argminψE[L(O,ψ(X))], where L(O,ψ(X))=(Yψ(X))2.
    • We can estimate the loss by substituting the empirical distribution of the data Pn for the true and unknown distribution of the observed data P0.
    • Also, we can use the cross-validated risk to empirically determine the relative performance of an estimator (i.e., a candidate learner), and perhaps how it’s performance compares to other estimators.
    • Once we have tested different estimators on actual data and looked at the performance (e.g., MSE of predictions across all learners), we can see which algorithm (or weighted combination) has the lowest risk, and thus is closest to the true ψ0.
  • The cross-validated empirical risk of an algorithm is defined as the empirical mean over a validation sample of the loss of the algorithm fitted on the training sample, averaged across the splits of the data.

  • The discrete Super Learner, or cross-validation selector, is the algorithm in the library that minimizes the cross-validated empirical risk.

  • The continuous/ensemble Super Learner, often referred to as Super Learner is a weighted average of the library of algorithms, where the weights are chosen to minimize the cross-validated empirical risk of the library. Restricting the weights to be positive and sum to one (i.e., a convex combination) has been shown to improve upon the discrete Super Learner (Polley and van der Laan 2010; van der Laan, Polley, and Hubbard 2007). This notion of weighted combinations was introduced in Wolpert (1992) for neural networks and adapted for regressions in Breiman (1996).

  • Cross-validation is proven to be optimal for selection among estimators. This result was established through the oracle inequality for the cross-validation selector among a collection of candidate estimators (van der Laan and Dudoit 2003; Van der Vaart, Dudoit, and Laan 2006). The only condition is that loss function is uniformly bounded, which is guaranteed in sl3.

sl3 “Microwave Dinner” Implementation

We begin by illustrating the core functionality of the SL algorithm as implemented in sl3.

The sl3 implementation consists of the following steps:

  1. Load the necessary libraries and data
  2. Define the machine learning task
  3. Make an SL by creating library of base learners and a metalearner
  4. Train the SL on the machine learning task
  5. Obtain predicted values

WASH Benefits Study Example

Using the WASH Benefits Bangladesh data, we are interested in predicting weight-for-height z-score whz using the available covariate data. More information on this dataset, and all other data that we will work with, are described in this chapter of the tlverse handbook. Let’s begin!

0. Load the necessary libraries and data

First, we will load the relevant R packages, set a seed, and load the data.


# load data set and take a peek
washb_data <- fread(
  stringsAsFactors = TRUE
head(washb_data) %>%
  kable() %>%
  kableExtra:::kable_styling(fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "300px")
whz tr fracode month aged sex momage momedu momheight hfiacat Nlt18 Ncomp watmin elec floor walls roof asset_wardrobe asset_table asset_chair asset_khat asset_chouki asset_tv asset_refrig asset_bike asset_moto asset_sewmach asset_mobile
0.00 Control N05265 9 268 male 30 Primary (1-5y) 146.40 Food Secure 3 11 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
-1.16 Control N05265 9 286 male 25 Primary (1-5y) 148.75 Moderately Food Insecure 2 4 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
-1.05 Control N08002 9 264 male 25 Primary (1-5y) 152.15 Food Secure 1 10 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
-1.26 Control N08002 9 252 female 28 Primary (1-5y) 140.25 Food Secure 3 5 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
-0.59 Control N06531 9 336 female 19 Secondary (>5y) 150.95 Food Secure 2 7 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
-0.51 Control N06531 9 304 male 20 Secondary (>5y) 154.20 Severely Food Insecure 0 3 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1

1. Define the machine learning task

To define the machine learning “task” (predict weight-for-height Z-score whz using the available covariate data), we need to create an sl3_Task object.

The sl3_Task keeps track of the roles the variables play in the machine learning problem, the data, and any metadata (e.g., observational-level weights, IDs, offset).

Also, if we had missing outcomes, we would need to set drop_missing_outcome = TRUE when we create the task. In the next analysis, with the IST stroke trial data, we do have a missing outcome. In the following chapter, we need to estimate this “missingness mechanism”; which is the conditional probably that the outcome is observed, given the history (i.e., variables that were measured before the missingness). Estimating the missingness mechanism requires learning a prediction function that outputs the predicted probability that a unit is missing, given their history.

# specify the outcome and covariates
outcome <- "whz"
covars <- colnames(washb_data)[-which(names(washb_data) == outcome)]

# create the sl3 task
washb_task <- make_sl3_Task(
  data = washb_data,
  covariates = covars,
  outcome = outcome
#> Warning in process_data(data, nodes, column_names = column_names, flag = flag, :
#> Missing covariate data detected: imputing covariates.

This warning is important. The task just imputed missing covariates for us. Specifically, for each covariate column with missing values, sl3 uses the median to impute missing continuous covariates, and the mode to impute binary and categorical covariates.

Also, for each covariate column with missing values, sl3 adds an additional column indicating whether or not the value was imputed, which is particularly handy when the missingness in the data might be informative.

Also, notice that we did not specify the number of folds, or the loss function in the task. The default cross-validation scheme is V-fold, with V=10 number of folds.

Let’s visualize our washb_task:

#> A sl3 Task with 4695 obs and these nodes:
#> $covariates
#>  [1] "tr"              "fracode"         "month"           "aged"           
#>  [5] "sex"             "momage"          "momedu"          "momheight"      
#>  [9] "hfiacat"         "Nlt18"           "Ncomp"           "watmin"         
#> [13] "elec"            "floor"           "walls"           "roof"           
#> [17] "asset_wardrobe"  "asset_table"     "asset_chair"     "asset_khat"     
#> [21] "asset_chouki"    "asset_tv"        "asset_refrig"    "asset_bike"     
#> [25] "asset_moto"      "asset_sewmach"   "asset_mobile"    "delta_momage"   
#> [29] "delta_momheight"
#> $outcome
#> [1] "whz"
#> $id
#> $weights
#> $offset
#> $time

We can’t see when we print the task, but the default cross-validation fold structure (V-fold cross-validation with V=10 folds) was created when we defined the task.

length(washb_task$folds) # how many folds?
#> [1] 10

head(washb_task$folds[[1]]$training_set) # row indexes for fold 1 training
#> [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6
head(washb_task$folds[[1]]$validation_set) # row indexes for fold 1 validation
#> [1] 12 21 29 41 43 53

  washb_task$folds[[1]]$training_set %in% washb_task$folds[[1]]$validation_set
#> [1] FALSE

R6 Tip: If you type washb_task$ and then press the “tab” button (you will need to press “tab” twice if you’re not in RStudio), you can view all of the active and public fields and methods that can be accessed from the washb_task object.

2. Make a Super Learner

Now that we have defined our machine learning problem with the sl3_Task, we are ready to “make” the Super Learner (SL). This requires specification of

  • A set of candidate machine learning algorithms, also commonly referred to as a “library” of “learners”. The set should include a diversity of algorithms that are believed to be consistent with the true data-generating distribution.
  • A metalearner, to ensemble the base learners.

We might also incorporate

  • Feature selection, to pass only a subset of the predictors to the algorithm.
  • Hyperparameter specification, to tune base learners.

Learners have properties that indicate what features they support. We may use sl3_list_properties() to get a list of all properties supported by at least one learner.

#>  [1] "binomial"      "categorical"   "continuous"    "cv"           
#>  [5] "density"       "h2o"           "ids"           "importance"   
#>  [9] "offset"        "preprocessing" "sampling"      "screener"     
#> [13] "timeseries"    "weights"       "wrapper"

Since we have a continuous outcome, we may identify the learners that support this outcome type with sl3_list_learners().

#>  [1] "Lrnr_arima"                     "Lrnr_bartMachine"              
#>  [3] "Lrnr_bayesglm"                  "Lrnr_bilstm"                   
#>  [5] "Lrnr_bound"                     "Lrnr_caret"                    
#>  [7] "Lrnr_cv_selector"               "Lrnr_dbarts"                   
#>  [9] "Lrnr_earth"                     "Lrnr_expSmooth"                
#> [11] "Lrnr_gam"                       "Lrnr_gbm"                      
#> [13] "Lrnr_glm"                       "Lrnr_glm_fast"                 
#> [15] "Lrnr_glmnet"                    "Lrnr_grf"                      
#> [17] "Lrnr_gru_keras"                 "Lrnr_gts"                      
#> [19] "Lrnr_h2o_glm"                   "Lrnr_h2o_grid"                 
#> [21] "Lrnr_hal9001"                   "Lrnr_HarmonicReg"              
#> [23] "Lrnr_hts"                       "Lrnr_lstm"                     
#> [25] "Lrnr_lstm_keras"                "Lrnr_mean"                     
#> [27] "Lrnr_multiple_ts"               "Lrnr_nnet"                     
#> [29] "Lrnr_nnls"                      "Lrnr_optim"                    
#> [31] "Lrnr_pkg_SuperLearner"          "Lrnr_pkg_SuperLearner_method"  
#> [33] "Lrnr_pkg_SuperLearner_screener" "Lrnr_polspline"                
#> [35] "Lrnr_randomForest"              "Lrnr_ranger"                   
#> [37] "Lrnr_rpart"                     "Lrnr_rugarch"                  
#> [39] "Lrnr_screener_correlation"      "Lrnr_solnp"                    
#> [41] "Lrnr_stratified"                "Lrnr_svm"                      
#> [43] "Lrnr_tsDyn"                     "Lrnr_xgboost"

Now that we have an idea of some learners, we can construct them using the make_learner function or the new method.

# choose base learners
lrn_glm <- make_learner(Lrnr_glm)
lrn_mean <- Lrnr_mean$new()

We can customize learner hyperparameters to incorporate a diversity of different settings. Documentation for the learners and their hyperparameters can be found in the sl3 Learners Reference.

lrn_lasso <- make_learner(Lrnr_glmnet) # alpha default is 1
lrn_ridge <- Lrnr_glmnet$new(alpha = 0)
lrn_enet.5 <- make_learner(Lrnr_glmnet, alpha = 0.5)

lrn_polspline <- Lrnr_polspline$new()

lrn_ranger100 <- make_learner(Lrnr_ranger, num.trees = 100)

lrn_hal_faster <- Lrnr_hal9001$new(max_degree = 2, reduce_basis = 0.05)

xgb_fast <- Lrnr_xgboost$new() # default with nrounds = 20 is pretty fast
xgb_50 <- Lrnr_xgboost$new(nrounds = 50)

We can use Lrnr_define_interactions to define interaction terms among covariates. The interactions should be supplied as list of character vectors, where each vector specifies an interaction. For example, we specify interactions below between (1) tr (whether or not the subject received the WASH intervention) and elec (whether or not the subject had electricity); and between (2) tr and hfiacat (the subject’s level of food security).

interactions <- list(c("elec", "tr"), c("tr", "hfiacat"))
# main terms as well as the interactions above will be included
lrn_interaction <- make_learner(Lrnr_define_interactions, interactions)

What we just defined above is incomplete. In order to fit learners with these interactions, we need to create a Pipeline. A Pipeline is a set of learners to be fit sequentially, where the fit from one learner is used to define the task for the next learner. We need to create a Pipeline with the interaction defining learner and another learner that incorporate these terms when fitting a model. Let’s create a learner pipeline that will fit a linear model with the combination of main terms and interactions terms, as specified in lrn_interaction.

# we already instantiated a linear model learner, no need to do that again
lrn_glm_interaction <- make_learner(Pipeline, lrn_interaction, lrn_glm)
#> [1] "Lrnr_define_interactions_TRUE"
#> [1] "Lrnr_glm_TRUE"

We can also include learners from the SuperLearner R package.

lrn_bayesglm <- Lrnr_pkg_SuperLearner$new("SL.bayesglm")

Here is a fun trick to create customized learners over a grid of parameters.

# I like to crock pot my SLs
grid_params <- list(
  cost = c(0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000),
  gamma = c(0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1),
  kernel = c("polynomial", "radial", "sigmoid"),
  degree = c(1, 2, 3)
grid <- expand.grid(grid_params, KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = FALSE)
svm_learners <- apply(grid, MARGIN = 1, function(tuning_params) {$new, as.list(tuning_params))
grid_params <- list(
  max_depth = c(2, 4, 6),
  eta = c(0.001, 0.1, 0.3),
  nrounds = 100
grid <- expand.grid(grid_params, KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = FALSE)
#>   max_depth   eta nrounds
#> 1         2 0.001     100
#> 2         4 0.001     100
#> 3         6 0.001     100
#> 4         2 0.100     100
#> 5         4 0.100     100
#> 6         6 0.100     100
#> 7         2 0.300     100
#> 8         4 0.300     100
#> 9         6 0.300     100

xgb_learners <- apply(grid, MARGIN = 1, function(tuning_params) {$new, as.list(tuning_params))
#> [[1]]
#> [1] "Lrnr_xgboost_100_1_2_0.001"
#> [[2]]
#> [1] "Lrnr_xgboost_100_1_4_0.001"
#> [[3]]
#> [1] "Lrnr_xgboost_100_1_6_0.001"
#> [[4]]
#> [1] "Lrnr_xgboost_100_1_2_0.1"
#> [[5]]
#> [1] "Lrnr_xgboost_100_1_4_0.1"
#> [[6]]
#> [1] "Lrnr_xgboost_100_1_6_0.1"
#> [[7]]
#> [1] "Lrnr_xgboost_100_1_2_0.3"
#> [[8]]
#> [1] "Lrnr_xgboost_100_1_4_0.3"
#> [[9]]
#> [1] "Lrnr_xgboost_100_1_6_0.3"

Did you see Lrnr_caret when we called sl3_list_learners(c("binomial"))? All we need to specify to use this popular algorithm as a candidate in our SL is the algorithm we want to tune, which is passed as method to caret::train(). The default method for parameter selection criterion with is set to “CV” instead of the caret::train() default boot. The summary metric used to select the optimal model is RMSE for continuous outcomes and Accuracy for categorical and binomial outcomes.

# Unlike xgboost, I have no idea how to tune a neural net or BART machine, so
# I let caret take the reins
lrnr_caret_nnet <- make_learner(Lrnr_caret, algorithm = "nnet")
lrnr_caret_bartMachine <- make_learner(Lrnr_caret,
  algorithm = "bartMachine",
  method = "boot", metric = "Accuracy",
  tuneLength = 10

In order to assemble the library of learners, we need to “stack” them together.

A Stack is a special learner and it has the same interface as all other learners. What makes a stack special is that it combines multiple learners by training them simultaneously, so that their predictions can be either combined or compared.

stack <- make_learner(
  Stack, lrn_glm, lrn_polspline, lrn_enet.5, lrn_ridge, lrn_lasso, xgb_50
#> [1] "Lrnr_glm_TRUE"                            
#> [2] "Lrnr_polspline_5"                         
#> [3] "Lrnr_glmnet_NULL_deviance_10_0.5_100_TRUE"
#> [4] "Lrnr_glmnet_NULL_deviance_10_0_100_TRUE"  
#> [5] "Lrnr_glmnet_NULL_deviance_10_1_100_TRUE"  
#> [6] "Lrnr_xgboost_50_1"

We can also stack the learners by first creating a vector, and then instantiating the stack. I prefer this method, since it easily allows us to modify the names of the learners.

# named vector of learners first
learners <- c(
  lrn_glm, lrn_polspline, lrn_enet.5, lrn_ridge, lrn_lasso, xgb_50
names(learners) <- c(
  "glm", "polspline", "enet.5", "ridge", "lasso", "xgboost50"
# next make the stack
stack <- make_learner(Stack, learners)
# now the names are pretty
#> [1] "glm"       "polspline" "enet.5"    "ridge"     "lasso"     "xgboost50"

We’re jumping ahead a bit, but let’s check something out quickly. It’s straightforward, and just one more step, to set up this stack such that all of the learners will train in a cross-validated manner.

cv_stack <- Lrnr_cv$new(stack)
#> [1] "Lrnr_cv"
#> [1] "glm"       "polspline" "enet.5"    "ridge"     "lasso"     "xgboost50"

Screening Algorithms for Feature Selection

We can optionally select a subset of available covariates and pass only those variables to the modeling algorithm. The current set of learners that can be used for prescreening covariates is included below.

  • Lrnr_screener_importance selects num_screen (default = 5) covariates based on the variable importance ranking provided by the learner. Any learner with an “importance” method can be used in Lrnr_screener_importance; and this currently includes Lrnr_ranger, Lrnr_randomForest, and Lrnr_xgboost.
  • Lrnr_screener_coefs, which provides screening of covariates based on the magnitude of their estimated coefficients in a (possibly regularized) GLM. The threshold (default = 1e-3) defines the minimum absolute size of the coefficients, and thus covariates, to be kept. Also, a max_retain argument can be optionally provided to restrict the number of selected covariates to be no more than max_retain.
  • Lrnr_screener_correlation provides covariate screening procedures by running a test of correlation (Pearson default), and then selecting the (1) top ranked variables (default), or (2) the variables with a pvalue lower than some pre-specified threshold.
  • Lrnr_screener_augment augments a set of screened covariates with additional covariates that should be included by default, even if the screener did not select them. An example of how to use this screener is included below.

Let’s consider screening covariates based on their randomForest variable importance ranking (ordered by mean decrease in accuracy). To select the top 5 most important covariates according to this ranking, we can combine Lrnr_screener_importance with Lrnr_ranger (limiting the number of trees by setting ntree = 20).

Hang on! Before you think it – I will confess: Bob Ross and I both know that 20 trees makes for a lonely forest, and I shouldn’t consider it, but these are the sacrifices I have to make for this chapter to build in time!

miniforest <- Lrnr_ranger$new(
  num.trees = 20, write.forest = FALSE,
  importance = "impurity_corrected"

# learner must already be instantiated, we did this when we created miniforest
screen_rf <- Lrnr_screener_importance$new(learner = miniforest, num_screen = 5)
#> [1] "Lrnr_screener_importance_5"

# which covariates are selected on the full data?
#> [1] "Lrnr_screener_importance_5"
#> $selected
#> [1] "aged"      "month"     "tr"        "momheight" "momedu"

An example of how to format Lrnr_screener_augment is included below for clarity.

keepme <- c("aged", "momage")
# screener must already be instantiated, we did this when we created screen_rf
screen_augment_rf <- Lrnr_screener_augment$new(
  screener = screen_rf, default_covariates = keepme
#> [1] "Lrnr_screener_augment_c(\"aged\", \"momage\")"

Selecting covariates with non-zero lasso coefficients is quite common. Let’s construct Lrnr_screener_coefs screener that does just that, and test it out.

# we already instantiated a lasso learner above, no need to do it again
screen_lasso <- Lrnr_screener_coefs$new(learner = lrn_lasso, threshold = 0)
#> [1] "Lrnr_screener_coefs_0_NULL"

To “pipe” only the selected covariates to the modeling algorithm, we need to make a Pipeline, similar to the one we built for the regression model with interaction terms.

screen_rf_pipe <- make_learner(Pipeline, screen_rf, stack)
screen_lasso_pipe <- make_learner(Pipeline, screen_lasso, stack)

Now, these learners with no internal screening will be preceded by a screening step.

We also consider the original stack, to compare how the feature selection methods perform in comparison to the methods without feature selection.

Analogous to what we have seen before, we have to stack the pipeline and original stack together, so we may use them as base learners in our super learner.

# pretty names again
learners2 <- c(learners, screen_rf_pipe, screen_lasso_pipe)
names(learners2) <- c(names(learners), "randomforest_screen", "lasso_screen")

fancy_stack <- make_learner(Stack, learners2)
#> [1] "glm"                 "polspline"           "enet.5"             
#> [4] "ridge"               "lasso"               "xgboost50"          
#> [7] "randomforest_screen" "lasso_screen"

We will use the default metalearner, which uses Lrnr_solnp to provide fitting procedures for a pairing of loss function and metalearner function. This default metalearner selects a loss and metalearner pairing based on the outcome type. Note that any learner can be used as a metalearner.

Now that we have made a diverse stack of base learners, we are ready to make the SL. The SL algorithm fits a metalearner on the validation set predictions/losses across all folds.

sl <- make_learner(Lrnr_sl, learners = fancy_stack)

We can also use Lrnr_cv to build a SL, cross-validate a stack of learners to compare performance of the learners in the stack, or cross-validate any single learner (see “Cross-validation” section of this sl3 introductory tutorial).

Furthermore, we can Define New sl3 Learners which can be used in all the places you could otherwise use any other sl3 learners, including Pipelines, Stacks, and the SL.

Recall that the discrete SL, or cross-validated selector, is a metalearner that assigns a weight of 1 to the learner with the lowest cross-validated empirical risk, and weight of 0 to all other learners. This metalearner specification can be invoked with Lrnr_cv_selector.

discrete_sl_metalrn <- Lrnr_cv_selector$new()
discrete_sl <- Lrnr_sl$new(
  learners = fancy_stack,
  metalearner = discrete_sl_metalrn

3. Train the Super Learner on the machine learning task

The SL algorithm fits a metalearner on the validation-set predictions in a cross-validated manner, thereby avoiding overfitting.

Now we are ready to “train” our SL on our sl3_task object, washb_task.

sl_fit <- sl$train(washb_task)

4. Obtain predicted values

Now that we have fit the SL, we are ready to calculate the predicted outcome for each subject.

# we did it! now we have SL predictions
sl_preds <- sl_fit$predict()
#> [1] -0.65442 -0.77055 -0.67359 -0.65109 -0.65577 -0.65673

We can also obtain a summary of the results.

sl_fit_summary <- sl_fit$print()
#> [1] "SuperLearner:"
#> List of 8
#>  $ glm                : chr "Lrnr_glm_TRUE"
#>  $ polspline          : chr "Lrnr_polspline_5"
#>  $ enet.5             : chr "Lrnr_glmnet_NULL_deviance_10_0.5_100_TRUE"
#>  $ ridge              : chr "Lrnr_glmnet_NULL_deviance_10_0_100_TRUE"
#>  $ lasso              : chr "Lrnr_glmnet_NULL_deviance_10_1_100_TRUE"
#>  $ xgboost50          : chr "Lrnr_xgboost_50_1"
#>  $ randomforest_screen: chr "Pipeline(Lrnr_screener_importance_5->Stack)"
#>  $ lasso_screen       : chr "Pipeline(Lrnr_screener_coefs_0_NULL->Stack)"
#> [1] "Lrnr_solnp_TRUE_TRUE_FALSE_1e-05"
#> $pars
#>  [1] 0.055571 0.055556 0.055564 0.055570 0.055564 0.055591 0.055546 0.055561
#>  [9] 0.055546 0.055546 0.055546 0.055523 0.055559 0.055559 0.055559 0.055559
#> [17] 0.055559 0.055521
#> $convergence
#> [1] 0
#> $values
#> [1] 1.0135 1.0135
#> $lagrange
#>            [,1]
#> [1,] -0.0021608
#> $hessian
#>       [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12] [,13]
#>  [1,]    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0     0     0     0
#>  [2,]    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0     0     0     0
#>  [3,]    0    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0     0     0     0     0
#>  [4,]    0    0    0    1    0    0    0    0    0     0     0     0     0
#>  [5,]    0    0    0    0    1    0    0    0    0     0     0     0     0
#>  [6,]    0    0    0    0    0    1    0    0    0     0     0     0     0
#>  [7,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    1    0    0     0     0     0     0
#>  [8,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1    0     0     0     0     0
#>  [9,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1     0     0     0     0
#> [10,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     1     0     0     0
#> [11,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0     1     0     0
#> [12,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0     0     1     0
#> [13,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0     0     0     1
#> [14,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0     0     0     0
#> [15,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0     0     0     0
#> [16,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0     0     0     0
#> [17,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0     0     0     0
#> [18,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0     0     0     0
#>       [,14] [,15] [,16] [,17] [,18]
#>  [1,]     0     0     0     0     0
#>  [2,]     0     0     0     0     0
#>  [3,]     0     0     0     0     0
#>  [4,]     0     0     0     0     0
#>  [5,]     0     0     0     0     0
#>  [6,]     0     0     0     0     0
#>  [7,]     0     0     0     0     0
#>  [8,]     0     0     0     0     0
#>  [9,]     0     0     0     0     0
#> [10,]     0     0     0     0     0
#> [11,]     0     0     0     0     0
#> [12,]     0     0     0     0     0
#> [13,]     0     0     0     0     0
#> [14,]     1     0     0     0     0
#> [15,]     0     1     0     0     0
#> [16,]     0     0     1     0     0
#> [17,]     0     0     0     1     0
#> [18,]     0     0     0     0     1
#> $ineqx0
#> $nfuneval
#> [1] 23
#> $outer.iter
#> [1] 1
#> $elapsed
#> Time difference of 0.083783 secs
#> $vscale
#>  [1] 1.01351 0.00001 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
#> [10] 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
#> [19] 1.00000 1.00000
#> $coefficients
#>                           glm                     polspline 
#>                      0.055571                      0.055556 
#>                        enet.5                         ridge 
#>                      0.055564                      0.055570 
#>                         lasso                     xgboost50 
#>                      0.055564                      0.055591 
#>       randomforest_screen_glm randomforest_screen_polspline 
#>                      0.055546                      0.055561 
#>    randomforest_screen_enet.5     randomforest_screen_ridge 
#>                      0.055546                      0.055546 
#>     randomforest_screen_lasso randomforest_screen_xgboost50 
#>                      0.055546                      0.055523 
#>              lasso_screen_glm        lasso_screen_polspline 
#>                      0.055559                      0.055559 
#>           lasso_screen_enet.5            lasso_screen_ridge 
#>                      0.055559                      0.055559 
#>            lasso_screen_lasso        lasso_screen_xgboost50 
#>                      0.055559                      0.055521 
#> $training_offset
#> [1] FALSE
#> $name
#> [1] "solnp"
#> [1] "Cross-validated risk:"
#>                           learner coefficients   risk       se  fold_sd
#>  1:                           glm     0.055571 1.0202 0.023955 0.067500
#>  2:                     polspline     0.055556 1.0208 0.023577 0.067921
#>  3:                        enet.5     0.055564 1.0131 0.023598 0.065732
#>  4:                         ridge     0.055570 1.0153 0.023739 0.065299
#>  5:                         lasso     0.055564 1.0130 0.023592 0.065840
#>  6:                     xgboost50     0.055591 1.1136 0.025262 0.077580
#>  7:       randomforest_screen_glm     0.055546 1.0271 0.024119 0.069913
#>  8: randomforest_screen_polspline     0.055561 1.0236 0.024174 0.068710
#>  9:    randomforest_screen_enet.5     0.055546 1.0266 0.024101 0.070117
#> 10:     randomforest_screen_ridge     0.055546 1.0268 0.024120 0.069784
#> 11:     randomforest_screen_lasso     0.055546 1.0266 0.024101 0.070135
#> 12: randomforest_screen_xgboost50     0.055523 1.1399 0.026341 0.100112
#> 13:              lasso_screen_glm     0.055559 1.0164 0.023542 0.065018
#> 14:        lasso_screen_polspline     0.055559 1.0177 0.023520 0.065566
#> 15:           lasso_screen_enet.5     0.055559 1.0163 0.023544 0.065017
#> 16:            lasso_screen_ridge     0.055559 1.0166 0.023553 0.064869
#> 17:            lasso_screen_lasso     0.055559 1.0163 0.023544 0.065020
#> 18:        lasso_screen_xgboost50     0.055521 1.1256 0.025939 0.084270
#> 19:                  SuperLearner           NA 1.0135 0.023615 0.067434
#>     fold_min_risk fold_max_risk
#>  1:       0.89442        1.1200
#>  2:       0.89892        1.1255
#>  3:       0.88839        1.1058
#>  4:       0.88559        1.1063
#>  5:       0.88842        1.1060
#>  6:       0.96019        1.2337
#>  7:       0.90251        1.1326
#>  8:       0.90167        1.1412
#>  9:       0.90030        1.1319
#> 10:       0.90068        1.1311
#> 11:       0.90043        1.1321
#> 12:       0.92377        1.2549
#> 13:       0.90204        1.1156
#> 14:       0.89742        1.1162
#> 15:       0.90184        1.1154
#> 16:       0.90120        1.1146
#> 17:       0.90183        1.1154
#> 18:       0.96251        1.2327
#> 19:       0.88685        1.1102

From the table of the printed SL fit, we note that the SL had a mean risk of r round(sl_fit_summary$risk[length(sl_fit_summary$learner)], 4) and that this ensemble weighted the ranger and glmnet learners highest while not weighting the mean learner highly.

We can also see that the glmnet learner had the lowest cross-validated mean risk, thus making it the cross-validated selector (or the discrete SL). The mean risk of the SL is calculated using all of the data, and not a separate hold-out, so the SL’s mean risk that is reported here is an underestimation.

Cross-validated Super Learner

We can cross-validate the SL to see how well the SL performs on unseen data, and obtain an estimate of the cross-validated risk of the SL.

This estimation procedure requires an “outer/external” layer of cross-validation, also called nested cross-validation, which involves setting aside a separate holdout sample that we don’t use to fit the SL. This external cross-validation procedure may also incorporate 10 folds, which is the default in sl3. However, we will incorporate 2 outer/external folds of cross-validation for computational efficiency.

We also need to specify a loss function to evaluate SL. Documentation for the available loss functions can be found in the sl3 Loss Function Reference.

washb_task_new <- make_sl3_Task(
  data = washb_data,
  covariates = covars,
  outcome = outcome,
  folds = origami::make_folds(washb_data, fold_fun = folds_vfold, V = 2)
CVsl <- CV_lrnr_sl(
  lrnr_sl = sl_fit, task = washb_task_new, loss_fun = loss_squared_error
#> Error in xgboost::xgb.DMatrix(Xmat, label = Y) : 
#>   REAL() can only be applied to a 'numeric', not a 'logical'
#> Error in xgboost::xgb.DMatrix(Xmat, label = Y) : 
#>   REAL() can only be applied to a 'numeric', not a 'logical'
CVsl %>%
  kable(digits = 4) %>%
  kableExtra:::kable_styling(fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "300px")
learner coefficients risk se fold_sd fold_min_risk fold_max_risk
glm 0.0556 1.0494 0.0269 0.0797 0.9930 1.1058
polspline 0.0556 1.0173 0.0235 0.0684 0.9689 1.0656
enet.5 0.0556 1.0239 0.0241 0.0719 0.9731 1.0748
ridge 0.0556 1.0271 0.0242 0.0680 0.9791 1.0752
lasso 0.0556 1.0243 0.0242 0.0724 0.9731 1.0755
xgboost50 0.0556 1.1789 0.0267 0.0052 1.1752 1.1826
randomforest_screen_glm 0.0556 1.0276 0.0238 0.0662 0.9808 1.0744
randomforest_screen_polspline 0.0556 1.0259 0.0237 0.0772 0.9713 1.0805
randomforest_screen_enet.5 0.0556 1.0275 0.0238 0.0664 0.9806 1.0745
randomforest_screen_ridge 0.0556 1.0270 0.0238 0.0668 0.9798 1.0743
randomforest_screen_lasso 0.0556 1.0275 0.0238 0.0664 0.9806 1.0745
randomforest_screen_xgboost50 0.0556 1.1559 0.0261 0.0475 1.1223 1.1895
lasso_screen_glm 0.0556 1.0257 0.0238 0.0537 0.9877 1.0636
lasso_screen_polspline 0.0556 1.0267 0.0239 0.0551 0.9877 1.0656
lasso_screen_enet.5 0.0556 1.0261 0.0238 0.0546 0.9875 1.0648
lasso_screen_ridge 0.0556 1.0255 0.0238 0.0544 0.9870 1.0640
lasso_screen_lasso 0.0556 1.0262 0.0238 0.0546 0.9875 1.0648
lasso_screen_xgboost50 0.0555 1.1519 0.0258 0.0433 1.1213 1.1826
SuperLearner NA 1.0194 0.0237 0.0678 0.9715 1.0674

Variable Importance Measures with sl3

Variable importance can be interesting and informative. It can also be contradictory and confusing. Nevertheless, we like it, and so do our collaborators, so we created a variable importance function in sl3! The sl3 importance function returns a table with variables listed in decreasing order of importance (i.e., most important on the first row).

The measure of importance in sl3 is based on a risk ratio, or risk difference, between the learner fit with a removed, or permuted, covariate and the learner fit with the true covariate, across all covariates. In this manner, the larger the risk difference, the more important the variable is in the prediction.

The intuition of this measure is that it calculates the risk (in terms of the average loss in predictive accuracy) of losing one covariate, while keeping everything else fixed, and compares it to the risk if the covariate was not lost. If this risk ratio is one, or risk difference is zero, then losing that covariate had no impact, and is thus not important by this measure. We do this across all of the covariates. As stated above, we can remove the covariate and refit the SL without it, or we just permute the covariate (faster, more risky) and hope for the shuffling to distort any meaningful information that was present in the covariate. This idea of permuting instead of removing saves a lot of time, and is also incorporated in the randomForest variable importance measures. However, the permutation approach is risky, so the importance function default is to remove and refit.

Let’s explore the sl3 variable importance measurements for the washb data.

washb_varimp <- importance(sl_fit, loss = loss_squared_error, type = "permute")
washb_varimp %>%
  kable(digits = 4) %>%
  kableExtra:::kable_styling(fixed_thead = TRUE) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "300px")
X risk_ratio
aged 1.0408
momedu 1.0125
asset_refrig 1.0084
asset_chair 1.0044
month 1.0032
tr 1.0028
elec 1.0020
momheight 1.0013
Nlt18 1.0010
momage 1.0008
floor 1.0006
asset_chouki 1.0003
asset_mobile 1.0003
asset_moto 1.0002
delta_momheight 1.0001
watmin 1.0000
asset_table 1.0000
sex 1.0000
walls 1.0000
asset_tv 1.0000
delta_momage 1.0000
roof 0.9999
Ncomp 0.9999
hfiacat 0.9999
fracode 0.9999
asset_wardrobe 0.9998
asset_sewmach 0.9998
asset_bike 0.9998
asset_khat 0.9996
# plot variable importance
  main = "sl3 Variable Importance for WASH Benefits Example Data"

3.1 Exercises

3.1.1 Predicting Myocardial Infarction with sl3

Follow the steps below to predict myocardial infarction (mi) using the available covariate data. We thank Prof. David Benkeser at Emory University for making the this Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS) data accessible.

# load the data set
db_data <- url(
chspred <- read_csv(file = db_data, col_names = TRUE)

# take a quick peek
head(chspred) %>%
  kable(digits = 4) %>%
  kableExtra:::kable_styling(fixed_thead = TRUE) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "300px")
waist alcoh hdl beta smoke ace ldl bmi aspirin gend age estrgn glu ins cysgfr dm fetuina whr hsed race logcystat logtrig logcrp logcre health logkcal sysbp mi
110.164 0.0000 66.497 0 0 1 114.216 27.997 0 0 73.518 0 159.931 70.3343 75.008 1 0.1752 1.1690 1 1 -0.3420 5.4063 2.0126 -0.6739 0 4.3926 177.135 0
89.976 0.0000 50.065 0 0 0 103.777 20.893 0 0 61.772 0 153.389 33.9695 82.743 1 0.5717 0.9011 0 0 -0.0847 4.8592 3.2933 -0.5551 1 6.2071 136.374 0
106.194 8.4174 40.506 0 0 0 165.716 28.455 1 1 72.931 0 121.715 -17.3017 74.699 0 0.3517 1.1797 0 1 -0.4451 4.5088 0.3013 -0.0115 0 6.7320 135.199 0
90.057 0.0000 36.175 0 0 0 45.203 23.961 0 0 79.119 0 53.969 11.7315 95.782 0 0.5439 1.1360 0 0 -0.4807 5.1832 3.0243 -0.5751 1 7.3972 139.018 0
78.614 2.9790 71.064 0 1 0 131.312 10.966 0 1 69.018 0 94.315 9.7112 72.711 0 0.4916 1.1028 1 0 0.3121 4.2190 -0.7057 0.0053 1 8.2779 88.047 0
91.659 0.0000 59.496 0 0 0 171.187 29.132 0 1 81.835 0 212.907 -28.2269 69.218 1 0.4621 0.9529 1 0 -0.2872 5.1773 0.9705 0.2127 1 5.9942 69.594 0
  1. Create an sl3 task, setting myocardial infarction mi as the outcome and using all available covariate data.
  2. Make a library of seven relatively fast base learning algorithms (i.e., do not consider BART or HAL). Customize hyperparameters for one of your learners. Feel free to use learners from sl3 or SuperLearner. You may use the same base learning library that is presented above.
  3. Incorporate at least one pipeline with feature selection. Any screener and learner(s) can be used.
  4. Fit the metalearning step with the default metalearner.
  5. With the metalearner and base learners, make the Super Learner (SL) and train it on the task.
  6. Print your SL fit by calling print() with $.
  7. Cross-validate your SL fit to see how well it performs on unseen data. Specify a valid loss function to evaluate the SL.
  8. Use the importance() function to identify the “most important” predictor of myocardial infarction, according to sl3 importance metrics.

3.1.2 Predicting Recurrent Ischemic Stroke in an RCT with sl3

For this exercise, we will work with a random sample of 5,000 patients who participated in the International Stroke Trial (IST). This data is described in Chapter 3.2 of the tlverse handbook.

  1. Train a SL to predict recurrent stroke DRSISC with the available covariate data (the 25 other variables). Of course, you can consider feature selection in the machine learning algorithms. In this data, the outcome is occasionally missing, so be sure to specify drop_missing_outcome = TRUE when defining the task.
  2. Use the SL-based predictions to calculate the area under the ROC curve (AUC).
  3. Calculate the cross-validated AUC to evaluate the performance of the SL on unseen data.
  4. Which covariates are the most predictive of 14-day recurrent stroke, according to sl3 variable importance measures?
ist_data <- paste0(
) %>% fread()

# number 3 help
ist_task_CVsl <- make_sl3_Task(
  data = ist_data,
  outcome = "DRSISC",
  covariates = colnames(ist_data)[-which(names(ist_data) == "DRSISC")],
  drop_missing_outcome = TRUE,
  folds = origami::make_folds(
    n = sum(!$DRSISC)),
    fold_fun = folds_vfold,
    V = 5

3.2 Concluding Remarks

  • Super Learner (SL) is a general approach that can be applied to a diversity of estimation and prediction problems which can be defined by a loss function.

  • It would be straightforward to plug in the estimator returned by SL into the target parameter mapping.

    • For example, suppose we are after the average treatment effect (ATE) of a binary treatment intervention: Ψ0=E0,W[E0(YA=1,W)E0(YA=0,W)].
    • We could use the SL that was trained on the original data (let’s call this sl_fit) to predict the outcome for all subjects under each intervention. All we would need to do is take the average difference between the counterfactual outcomes under each intervention of interest.
    • Considering Ψ0 above, we would first need two n-length vectors of predicted outcomes under each intervention. One vector would represent the predicted outcomes under an intervention that sets all subjects to receive A=1, YiAi=1,Wi for all i=1,,n. The other vector would represent the predicted outcomes under an intervention that sets all subjects to receive A=0, YiAi=0,Wi for all i=1,,n.
    • After obtaining these vectors of counterfactual predicted outcomes, all we would need to do is average and then take the difference in order to “plug-in” the SL estimator into the target parameter mapping.
    • In sl3 and with our current ATE example, this could be achieved with mean(sl_fit$predict(A1_task)) - mean(sl_fit$predict(A0_task)); where A1_task$data would contain all 1’s (or the level that pertains to receiving the treatment) for the treatment column in the data (keeping all else the same), and A0_task$data would contain all 0’s (or the level that pertains to not receiving the treatment) for the treatment column in the data.
  • It’s a worthwhile exercise to obtain the predicted counterfactual outcomes and create these counterfactual sl3 tasks. It’s too biased; however, to plug the SL fit into the target parameter mapping, (e.g., calling the result of mean(sl_fit$predict(A1_task)) - mean(sl_fit$predict(A0_task)) the estimated ATE. We would end up with an estimator for the ATE that was optimized for estimation of the prediction function, and not the ATE!

  • At the end of the “analysis day”, we want an estimator that is optimized for our target estimand of interest. We ultimately care about doing a good job estimating ψ0. The SL is an essential step to help us get there. In fact, we will use the counterfactual predicted outcomes that were explained at length above. However, SL is not the end of the estimation procedure. Specifically, the Super Learner would not be an asymptotically linear estimator of the target estimand; and it is not an efficient substitution estimator. This begs the question, why is it so important for an estimator to possess these properties?

    • An asymptotically linear estimator converges to the estimand a 1n rate, thereby permitting formal statistical inference (i.e., confidence intervals and p-values).

    • Substitution, or plug-in, estimators of the estimand are desirable because they respect both the local and global constraints of the statistical model (e.g., bounds), and have they have better finite-sample properties.

    • An efficient estimator is optimal in the sense that it has the lowest possible variance, and is thus the most precise. An estimator is efficient if and only if is asymptotically linear with influence curve equal to the canonical gradient.

      • The canonical gradient is a mathematical object that is specific to the target estimand, and it provides information on the level of difficulty of the estimation problem. Various canonical gradient are shown in the chapters that follow.
      • Practitioner’s do not need to know how to calculate a canonical gradient in order to understand efficiency and use Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation (TMLE). Metaphorically, you do not need to be Yoda in order to be a Jedi.
  • TMLE is a general strategy that succeeds in constructing efficient and asymptotically linear plug-in estimators.

  • SL is fantastic for pure prediction, and for obtaining an initial estimate in the first step of TMLE, but we need the second step of TMLE to have the desirable statistical properties mentioned above.

  • In the chapters that follow, we focus on the targeted maximum likelihood estimator and the targeted minimum loss-based estimator, both referred to as TMLE.


3.2.1 Exercise 1 Solution

Here is a potential solution to the sl3 Exercise 1 – Predicting Myocardial Infarction with sl3.

db_data <- url(
chspred <- read_csv(file = db_data, col_names = TRUE)

# make task
chspred_task <- make_sl3_Task(
  data = chspred,
  covariates = head(colnames(chspred), -1),
  outcome = "mi"

# make learners
glm_learner <- Lrnr_glm$new()
lasso_learner <- Lrnr_glmnet$new(alpha = 1)
ridge_learner <- Lrnr_glmnet$new(alpha = 0)
enet_learner <- Lrnr_glmnet$new(alpha = 0.5)
# curated_glm_learner uses formula = "mi ~ smoke + beta + waist"
curated_glm_learner <- Lrnr_glm_fast$new(covariates = c("smoke, beta, waist"))
mean_learner <- Lrnr_mean$new() # That is one mean learner!
glm_fast_learner <- Lrnr_glm_fast$new()
ranger_learner <- Lrnr_ranger$new()
svm_learner <- Lrnr_svm$new()
xgb_learner <- Lrnr_xgboost$new()

# screening
screen_cor <- make_learner(Lrnr_screener_correlation)
glm_pipeline <- make_learner(Pipeline, screen_cor, glm_learner)

# stack learners together
stack <- make_learner(
  glm_pipeline, glm_learner,
  lasso_learner, ridge_learner, enet_learner,
  curated_glm_learner, mean_learner, glm_fast_learner,
  ranger_learner, svm_learner, xgb_learner

# make and train SL
sl <- Lrnr_sl$new(
  learners = stack
sl_fit <- sl$train(chspred_task)

CVsl <- CV_lrnr_sl(sl_fit, chspred_task, loss_loglik_binomial)

varimp <- importance(sl_fit, type = "permute")
varimp %>%
    main = "sl3 Variable Importance for Myocardial Infarction Prediction"

3.2.2 Exercise 2 Solution

Here is a potential solution to sl3 Exercise 2 – Predicting Recurrent Ischemic Stroke in an RCT with sl3.

library(ROCR) # for AUC calculation

ist_data <- paste0(
) %>% fread()

# stack
ist_task <- make_sl3_Task(
  data = ist_data,
  outcome = "DRSISC",
  covariates = colnames(ist_data)[-which(names(ist_data) == "DRSISC")],
  drop_missing_outcome = TRUE

# learner library
lrn_glm <- Lrnr_glm$new()
lrn_lasso <- Lrnr_glmnet$new(alpha = 1)
lrn_ridge <- Lrnr_glmnet$new(alpha = 0)
lrn_enet <- Lrnr_glmnet$new(alpha = 0.5)
lrn_mean <- Lrnr_mean$new()
lrn_ranger <- Lrnr_ranger$new()
lrn_svm <- Lrnr_svm$new()
# xgboost grid
grid_params <- list(
  max_depth = c(2, 5, 8),
  eta = c(0.01, 0.15, 0.3)
grid <- expand.grid(grid_params, KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = FALSE)
params_default <- list(nthread = getOption("sl.cores.learners", 1))
xgb_learners <- apply(grid, MARGIN = 1, function(params_tune) {$new, c(params_default, as.list(params_tune)))
learners <- unlist(list(
  xgb_learners, lrn_ridge, lrn_mean, lrn_lasso,
  lrn_glm, lrn_enet, lrn_ranger, lrn_svm
recursive = TRUE

# SL
sl <- Lrnr_sl$new(learners)
sl_fit <- sl$train(ist_task)

preds <- sl_fit$predict()
obs <- c(na.omit(ist_data$DRSISC))
AUC <- performance(prediction(sl_preds, obs), measure = "auc")@y.values[[1]]
plot(performance(prediction(sl_preds, obs), "tpr", "fpr"))

# CVsl
ist_task_CVsl <- make_sl3_Task(
  data = ist_data,
  outcome = "DRSISC",
  covariates = colnames(ist_data)[-which(names(ist_data) == "DRSISC")],
  drop_missing_outcome = TRUE,
  folds = origami::make_folds(
    n = sum(!$DRSISC)),
    fold_fun = folds_vfold,
    V = 5
CVsl <- CV_lrnr_sl(sl_fit, ist_task_CVsl, loss_loglik_binomial)

# sl3 variable importance plot
ist_varimp <- importance(sl_fit, type = "permute")
ist_varimp %>%
    main = "Variable Importance for Predicting Recurrent Ischemic Stroke"